Vietnam needs international support and cooperation to become a powerful country: President

(VOVWORLD) - President Nguyen Xuan Phuc and his spouse chaired a ceremony to mark Vietnam’s 77th National Day in Hanoi on Wednesday. 
Vietnam needs international support and cooperation to become a powerful country: President - ảnh 1President Nguyen Xuan Phuc addresses the ceremony marking Vietnam’s 77th National Day in Hanoi on August 31, 2022. (Photo: VOV)

The event was attended by central and Hanoi officials, along with foreign diplomats and heads of international organisations.

The State leader took this occasion to appreciate the precious support and effective cooperation from countries, international organisations and partners, businesses, investors, friends, and people around the world for Vietnam, especially in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

Entering a new development phase with the aspiration to develop a powerful Vietnam, he said, the country has made a number of strategic directions including being steadfast to pursue the goal of national independence, socialism, and innovation, ensuring the ultimate interests of the nation in line with international law.

Vietnam needs international support and cooperation to become a powerful country: President - ảnh 2President Nguyen Xuan Phuc speaks at the event.

President Nguyen Xuan Phuc said, “We are deeply aware that in order to realize the aspiration of a powerful Vietnam, we must unite the whole nation and promote internal strength. But it’s not enough. Vietnam needs support, companion, and mutually beneficial cooperation from the international community to have more external forces to reinforce national power for rapid and sustainable development."

"We are looking forward to sharing and cooperation with other countries and the international community, in which the Ambassadors, Chargé d'affaires, heads of representatives of international organizations in Vietnam play a very important role.”

President Phuc highlighted Vietnam’s cooperation priorities of sustaining peace and stability, respecting international law and the UN Charter, maintaining a favourable international environment for economic recovery, promoting cooperative ties, with a focus on developing infrastructure, ensuring sustainable supply chains, and effectively implementing the agreements on digital transformation, green economy, human resources, and science - technology.

Vietnam also aims to enhance partnerships in climate change response, epidemic prevention and control, healthcare capacity and social security improvement, and wealth gap and social inequality narrowing; and increase forms of connectivity, all-level mutual visits, exchanges of business delegations, and people-to-people exchange.

Palestinian Ambassador Saadi Salama, head of the diplomatic corps, stressed that over the past year, despite pandemic-caused challenges and global uncertainties, Vietnam has gained proud successes, including overcoming the pandemic’s impacts, staying one of the economies with fastest recovery and development in the region, and especially remaining an active and responsible member of the international community.

On behalf of the diplomatic corps, he thanked the Vietnamese Party, State, Government, and relevant agencies for assisting foreign diplomats, which has affirmed the importance Vietnam attaches to the friendship and multifaceted cooperation with other countries and international organisations, as well as its readiness to continue efforts to further promote its role to help achieve the common goal of a world of peace, equality, prosperity, cooperation, and development.

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